Good Morning - what a very intriguing question and I understand your confusion. How well do you know your doctor? He may be of the belief system that individuals heal faster when consuming just vegetables. It is his own belief system. If you suffer from a virus with a headache and temperature, some view this as a sort of "healing" the body is going through. Regardless, do what makes you feel better. Rest, hot liquids, push fluids.
If you were my client, the diet I would send you home on would be non-acidic, liquid based with no milk products. Usually what is allowed would be apple juice, jello,broth, popsicles, with hydration the key nutrient to support until the
fever breaks.
Then gradually add back in what feels right for the stomach. It is called a soft food diet. Ginger tea helps with
nausea if the doctor did not give you
Zofran, chicken noodle soup has been shown in studies of various qualities to make patients with colds or flus feel better/perhaps recovering more quickly?? Broth based soups either made with VegAll or chicken broth are great. Then move on to say Raman noodles, crackers, scrambled eggs, toast.
Do not worry. Eating vegetables right now, unless they be mashed, will make you vomit in most cases. I enjoyed this question. It put a smile on my face. Thanks for that and I hope you understand more clearly how to eat when you have a virus. Kathryn Shattler, MS,RDN