Hello doc, I would like to enquire about something that has been causing me to become extremely anxious. About 7 months ago, I shared drinks with this classmate of mine. It was a can of soda. He drank it and I had some of the soda too. Thing is, I have this cut on my lips but I just drank it anhways. It was a dry and of course there wasn't any blood on the can. What worries me is that soon after the day we shared the drink, I discovered this classmate of mine has slept around. Including with a transexual. I then thought of that day we shared drinks. That was when I panicked and worry that I may have caught something. Now, even something minor like a rash caused by allergies or a mosquito bite worries me. I know the chances of me getting something like HIV is not strong, I still am afraid. I did not remember any blood left on the can when he drank it, but nontheless, I'm still worried. I meed assurance doc:(