Last Jan17, 2014 the result of my BPS says:
I. Fetal Survey
Presentation: Cephalic Fetal Sex: Female
No. of Fetus: Single Fetal Heart Beat 151bpm
Placenta: Right Anterolateral Amniotic Fluid 12.3cm
Grade: 3
II. Biometry
BPD: 8.48cm= 33 weeks 2days Ave. Sonar Age: 35 6/7weeks
HC : 31.91cm= 36weeks EDC: (LMP) Feb. 04, 2014
FL: 6.86cm= 38weeks 3days (Ultrasound) Feb. 15, 2014
AC: 31.49cm= 35weeks 3days Estimated Fetal Wt: 2457-2800gms
(2640gms.+/- 396.09grms.; 5lbs 13oz)
III. Biophysical Profile
Fetal Breathing: 2 Fetal Tone: 2 Total: 8/8
Fetal Movement: 2 AFI 2
IV. Other Findings:
Fetal head is still floating. Facial profile is normal.
There is a loose nuchal cord coil.
Placenta right anterolateral, grade 3 w/ minimal basal and septal calcifications
Single Live Intrauterine pregnancy, cephalic presentation
38 3/7 weeks by FL; 35 6/7 weeks average sonic age;
w/good somatic and cardiac motion
placenta right anterolateral, grade 3
BPS -8/8; adequate amniotic fluid
sonographic estimate of fetal weight is appropriate for 33-41 weeks
Doc is want if the nochal cord can affect my delivery. I am normal with my previous delivery?
Is the placenta positioning is normal? Is my baby okay?