Hallow Dear,
I hope she is not minor. If she does not want to continue this
pregnancy, she can terminate it by medicines.
Tab. Mifepristone followed after 24-48 hours by Tab.
Misoprostol are medicines which can terminate the pregnancy safely and effectively up to 9 weeks of gestation. Usually within 24 hours (some times up to 7 days), the
abortion takes place. It is advisable to have a follow up visit to Obstetrician after 7 days.
However, these medicines are not 'over the counter' medicines. You should have Obstetrician's prescription to buy them. They should be taken by Obstetrician's advice only.
These medicines cause developmental abnormalities in the bay. Therefore, if they fail, the decision should not be reverted to continuation of pregnancy. Then the pregnancy should be terminated by surgical methods like MVA or so.
The other alternative for both of you is to get married and have a child.
I hope this helps you and her.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri