Thank you for the query.
I would like to know your age and gender. I would like to know your entire bloood sugar profile (Fasting blood sugar, Post prandial blood sugar and HbAic).
Type 2
Diabetes in the initial stages can be managed with a proper diet regime and exercise. Weight reduction to a BMI less than 23 Kg/m2 is preferable, and central obesity reduction (if present) is also suggested. If by these methods the blood sugar is not adequately controlled, and the HbAic levels after 3 months are persistently high, then oral medications (like
metformin are started).
However, in Diabetes it is imperative, that you maintain a healthy dietary regime. Starving is not recommended at all, and it may be harmful for your blood sugar control. Diabetes is a catabolic state, and hence if you do not maintain a healthy diet, you will lose your muscle mass. Refined carbohydrates (like white bread, fast food),
saturated fat and carbonated beverages are to be avoided. Take a generous intake of lean protein in diet (to protect your muscle mass). Adequate vegetables and fibres are to be included in your diet, and fruits with low
glycemic index (like apple) are suggested. A proper daily exercise regime is needed. The exact calorie intake can be decided on the basis of your BMI and daily physical work (in your case it has been kept at 1800-2000 cal/day). The small portions of meal that you are taking instead of a large one is fine.
Please visit your physician atleast once in three months to assess the blood sugar control. Incase your HbAic is not controlled with diet/exercise regimen, you may need to start oral drugs.
Hope this helps you out.
Dr. Ayusmati Thakur