hello there..
The luteal phase is the latter half of the menstrual cycle during which the
corpus luteum produces
progesterone to maintain the endometrial lining of the uterus in the hope of a fertilized egg. When the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone it disintegrates and your period begins. The length of the luteal phase can be observed and ideally it should be longer than about 10 days. A defective luteal phase is when the length of time during which progesterone is produced (i.e. between ovulation and
menstruation beginning) is insufficient to allow a fertilized egg to implant as the lining has begun to disintegrate. It is this condition where in use of external progesterone will help you conceive. If your D&C report had shown corpus luteal defect then you would be benefit from the
regesterone therapy your doctor has started. Regesterone is a progesterone though not commonly used for pregnancy. Duphaston is a progesterone which is considered better than regesterone.
If a woman has had four or five miscarriages in the first six or eight weeks of a pregnancy, this is always due to luteal phase failure. Progesterone is needed to facilitate
implantation and to prevent rejection of the developing embryo. You should wait till you ovulate, and then four to six days after possible conception do a blood test for hCG to see if you’re pregnant. If you are, start the progesterone; that way you will increase you chance of having a healthy baby.
Other condition where progesterone can be used is
Ovulatory Dysfunction.
Progesterone treatment can also be used to induce fertility when there appears to be ovulatory dysfunction.
Progesterone therapy helps support early pregnancy.
Dont be so anxious. Continue the treatment though its better if you had used duphaston than regesterone. You havent mentioned about your age but if its only 3months that you had an abortion, there are no problems in you conceiving again. Its only that your pregnancy should continue safely. Start
folic acid tablet 4mg daily as it helps in proper development of the baby , avoids missed abortions. Its good if you start it 3months prior to conception so you can start taking it as well.
take care