We had sex at about 11 pm January 23. On the 24th at 2:30 PM we took 4 pills of Nordette as ECP. Then we had another 4 at 2;30 AM of the 25th, exactly 12 hours. However, at about 3:40 AM, she vomited but not so much just a little like it can fit only in a small glass. At 4AM , we had sex but a very short one. We slept and at about 11 AM i had her take another 4 pills, and i am planning to have her take again another 4 for the 2nd intercourse we had. My questions are: Am i right if she goes 2nd round with the ECP? Given the 1st dosage proximity? Was the vomit a reason for the ECP to be ineffective though it was just a small amout of vomit? Will the first round of ECP dosage still effective if you had sex unprotected 1-2 hours after taking the ECP s second dosage?