Hi, I am 37 yrs old off the B/C pill for 2 months, my periods are regulart every 28 days to the exact date. My last period was Dec 19th and I had unprotected sex on Dec 30th, Jan 1st and Jan 3rd (all when I was ovulating, had the worst pain in my nipples, very egg like discharge) so I knew it was ovulation. Anyways about 5 days before my period was due I cramped slightly started off very brownish color discharge, turned pink with mucus then turned pink/orange and watery and has been going on for 5 days (not enough to fill even a light day) and today is the day of my expected period and it is stopping....I did a pregnancy test on Tues, Jan 14th and it was negative. Please advise if I should worry about being pregnant, I am extremely tired, dizzy, boobs seem bigger (not sore) never did with my other 2 pregnancies and no nausea (never with the other 2 preg either)....This is very weird, On Monday I am supposed to get an IUD put in now I am scared that I might be preg....