im 19years old,i been doing cocaine on and off for the past 4years,one day i got more pure stuff eveyone i buged out went to the hosptial felt like i was dieing. they gave me a adivan few days later i had aattck not touching anything called 911 thought i was having a heart attck they gave me a preshion for 16ativan i dident take them right away becuase how stonger they was had afew more attcks wen back so i started to take them felt good then after the last one back to the same stuff its been 1 mouth setns cocaine on sunday.and been 2 weeks sents adtivan tomarrow i still get head akes and problems breath tired all the time.head feels hot body feels cold hard time sleeping for the 1st week half sents i stoped takeing ativan.felt week arms leds loss of appite.dont feel nomal feel high alot.dry mouth or it feel dry and wired taste.i never drink water befor i drink alot of water now chest pain time to time they say that is axity sometime the chest pain i think its something but runing out of answers idk if the cocaine casued bad problems.feels like burning or ichyness on my heart or skin about it after a attck arms face legs feel numb they said thats part of it .i thnk cocaine caused eyes hurt also my puplies are diled most of the time.some say its the dopaine in my brain from the cocaine,somne say with draws from cocaine,some say with draws from ativan. then pantic attck an bad axity i just want answers how to feel better i sick of feeling like im dieing and cant do nomal things i got crashed my truck in a snow storm cuz i drove to cvs to check my blood presher after i took my last atfcian my heart i was 129bpm wile on ativan, body feels hot also.i just had attck so im tryin ot name eveythin i can think of.cuz alot of confusedshion also thanks hope you can give me some ansers and some help.cuz the hosptial dont help at all an my doctor dont i feel helpless