hello. over the past two weeks, i have been feeling very unwell. i have been extremely dehydrated, even though i have been drinking 2-5 liters of water a day, when i would have drunk next to no water before my symptoms started. i have been urinating 10-20 times a day, and have been waking up at night, needing to pee. that is very abnormal for me. i have been extremely fatigued, and this fatigue has caused it to be difficult to function. i went to the doctor two days after the symptoms started, and my glucose was 100 before eating and 109 after eating. they did blood work, and everything came back normal. my symptoms have only had poor progression, with them worsening. is it a possibility i have t1d, although my glucose was relatively normal, or should i consult my gp about something else? thank you so much for reading.