here it is, I had sex Dec 7 (it s protected sex, we used condom) and I had spotting on Dec 14 (though it s normal bleeding like, the blood soak in my panty liner and even quite heavy until the next day) but after that, the next 3 days, from Dec 16 to Dec 19 it s just a blood similar when your menstruation is ending, the amount and color is similar to regular menstruation it s color brown like an old blood/the color when your menstruation is ending (but then I tried researching it and it appears that it s spotting), the first day of my last menstruation was on Nov 22 btw and it ended on Nov 30, and I was expecting it on Nov 22 but up to now I haven t have my period (I have irregular menstruation too) and right at the moment, I have that white blood/white discharge that you can get right before the menstruation.