I got road rash on my knee while skating. I had soap/washed peroxided and neosporined then wrapped it. The wraps fell off i let it air heal and scab... Went to my g/f's asked her to patch it up (just wrap it up to keep bugs like mosquito's off it as i was out working on a horse trailer) She put gentian violet anti infective 1% solution anti infectian, 99% alcohol, and skinshield: liquid pain reliever on it... It totally messed it up (was already scabbed) she didn't read the warning label that said only on fresh openings. Ever since the scabs ripped off.. it's a huge flesh wound on the forefront of my knee cap... i can't bend my knee at all without agony i have to keep it as straight as a tree lilmb at all times.. walking.. i have to walk like i have a pirate peg leg like a stick leg.. sitting down i have to keep it lifted at an angle or higher and straight, and sleeping i have to keep it elevated, The entire area keeps infecting more and more... the pain becomes more agonizing to bend or do any movement. I had it covered up and put pain reliever cream on after. I've been taking antibiotics 4x a day and excedrin extra strength, advil, or tylenol 4 - 6 x daily. When I had the knee wrapped up and my leg bent while sitting my foot started to swell.... my foot swelled 2 - 3 x larger than the right... so i took 6 exedrin extra strength, 2 antibiotic, laid down 5 hours with my leg elevated at a 45 degree angle or so completely limber straight, the foot swelling went down.. but comes back... and the knee swelling comes back as well.. the infection from around my knee.. seems to have made more of an infection on the small scab i've had on my ankle (right where it meets the foot) for almost 2 months now that i cant pick it just rescabs... and i gashed/cut my left foot (all this other stuff is my right knee/ankle/foot swelling) ... well even the cut on the underside of my left foot is more infected now.... the pain is increasing evermore to my knee.. i'm a 24 y/o grown man who's had 2 hard head blow concussions near coma's.. many a gash slash and cut and no pain has ever amounted to what im feeling now... I feel like asking someone to just jab me with morphine, put me under anesthesia and cut my upper knee to whole leg down to foot right off.. it hurts so bad... i need some real advice and help on what to do....