Im 22, having irregular heart beat. Meaning it s fast and then slow randomly with skipped beats. I am skinny, my blood pressure is good, (just checked it) Im feeling very nauseous, like I m going to throw up. i ve been suddenly dizzy since last night. It s now 3pm the next day. I even slept but couldn t sleep very much due to the Tachycardia. When I woke up this morning I still had these symptoms and now I have a weird pressure like pain in my right temple and behind my right eye. It gets worse when I stand up. My heart is still wigging out, and I m shaky all over. My heart is what s worrying me the most, but Im afraid to waste a trip to the hospital (It costs alot). I have panic attacks, so I at first thought it was a symptom of a really bad panic attack, but this has been going on now for HOURS. Any ideas? I still feel dizzy like I m going to pass out at any moment. Update: my eyes are starting to go blurry. trying to read is kinda hard now. I can t seem to focus my eyes properly.