I have an 8 month old baby and my ex partner (his dad) comes to visit him 3 times a week. Everytime he comes I can smell human faeces on him,i know he doesn't wash anymore or have a shower and was always rubbish at wiping his bum as i was the one who washed his clothes. He lets our baby put his mouth on his un washed face and touches his hands that my son will then put in his mouth,my ex never washes his hands either,i have to spray my sofa and wipe it down after each visit as it smells of poo,he has access to a shower and washer for his clothes so has no excuse,he is just lazy. I have told him time and time again to wash himself and his clothes with no result,i am beginning to question letting him come again as my son is ill the day after he has been,please could you tell me the health risks this is having on my baby,thank you.