My mother Passed away two nights ago of Congestive heart failure please help!? It all started when I talked to my mother and she told me her nose was bleeding perfusely non stop it took a very long time to try and stop it, so I advised her what to do she got better but then her nose started bleeding again that night. Friday September 4, 2009 She called me and told me she was getting indigestion symptoms and nothing she took helped her get better so i told her to go to emergency as i lived 12 hours away via driving time with no airports close by she went to emergency and by the next day we were out to be with her... The next day the Hospital installed a temporary pacemaker then 5 days later a permanent one. Over the next few days her condition became better and after two weeks or so she was sent to Woodland care center in Reseda. During that time came down with bronchitis that worsened over time They had her walk even though she was very weak and needed a walker and walked very slowly and could not even pick up the phone to call me and was very weak to answer the phone My mom did not like the food and did not have an appetite so she barely ate even with us forcing her to eat very little At the care center she supposedly walked enough steps to where the care center was going to send her home never telling us at the time she had congestive heart failure, they also never told us that the reason my mother came down with now severe bronchitis as they put her in a room with someone who had it and she caught it. She was not ready to go home as she has 17 stairs to climb and 15 are leading to her bedroom so she extended her stay there to rehabilitate more, While she seemed to be okay there we needed to go back home to pack up our things and finish empting our house. When we left to go back home to New Mexico where we lived she was sitting in a wheel chair and watching tv and was talking and had some not much but some energy. We were supposed to be gone for a little over a week and my husband pushed us to work hard so we can get to her faster so we were back in 5 days and when we got back to see my mom she was laying on the bed so very weak she could not even lift a hand and she was filled with water and the water was leaking from her cut legs as the congestive heart failure was talking it s toll and her legs were black and blue. I told the nurse to get her to the hospital she told me she has to clear it with the doctor after a hour and a half they finally sent her there and then and only then did they tell me about the heart failure but not in so many words. Within 24 hours after going to the hospital her swelling went down to normal and she again started getting better so after 4 to 5 days of being in the hospital they decided to send her to Chandler care center for therapy to walk etc. she was only there 4 days and mentally each day she was getting better but physically she was becoming a vegetable and the night she died we were all with her and she said What is happining to me as she held her head and cried, Before we left we put her to bed as she was sitting in a wheel chair and at 3am the next morning the care center called me and said she had just passed away and that she was fine and talking and alert at 2am but was nervous as she was since my father passed 4 1/2 years ago. She wanted Ativan that is what she took to calm her down and help her sleep and they said if she can wait until 3 she can have one as they told me they gave her one 5 hours earlier and they are supposed to be taken every 6 hours. Please help advise me and what you think, Thanks!