Hi, I'm a 24 year old white male. 6'1" 200 pounds. I am quite athletic, and in good shape. I lift weights regularly and eat relatively healthy. My question regard a varicocele in my left testicle. It is visible to the naked eye but not too bad. There is one vein that kind of bulges out, and the "bag of worms" feeling behind my left testicle. My right testicle is fine. Other than mild discomfort on occasion it doesn't bother me too much. When I was 18 I tested my testosterone levels and they were 1350 dl/nl, the range was 200-800, which seems to indicate I was healthy then. I still feel as healthy as I was then, and have a great sex life, however I've read that varicoceles can cause lasting damage and are dangerous and can lower testosterone and cause infertility. Should I be worried?