Hi ! Good morning. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.
From your history, it seems that you have got some kind of infection in your abdomen which could be related to the ovaries, and the space surrounding them, or could be a
urinary tract infection as well.
If I were your doctor, I would do a general clinical examination of yours with special attention to the abdomen, followed by some routine blood tests like a
complete blood count, blood sugar, a urine routine/microscopic test followed by culture sensitivity test if need be, and lastly an
ultrasound of the abdomen with special attention to the pelvis. Further management would depend on the report of the investigations. Till that, I would advise you some anti inflammatory drug, a
proton pump inhibitor, and an anti spasmodic if needed in addition for the pain.
I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.
Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Dr Shareef.