Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am a 38 year old woman. For the last week I have had several symptoms that have confused me. They are as follows: 1. Major swelling in my entire body even though I have been doing really well on my diet and gardening several hours everyday. 2. A much higher amount of joint pain. Especially in my hands. All of my muscles are sore. 3. Mild fever but I feel cold. 4. Arms falling asleep very easily and waking up due to swelling, tingling, stinging, numbness and pain every night. Several times a night. 5. Fatigue that has gotten gradually worse. I am on birth control and I am supposed to start tomorrow but this is not my normal PMDD or PMS symptoms. I take Vitamin D, Vyvanse, Norco, Cryszalle, Sertraline, and ibuprofen. I am worried about the numbness and swelling that is continuing to increase each day. If I rest my hand on the arm in my car or answer the phone, five minutes later my hand is completely asleep and numb. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jennifer