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Sore Hands Sore Arms Sore Ankles
Premium Questions

The last month both my hands (wrist, knuckles and finger joints) are very sore and feel weak. I dread it when some tries to shake my hand, it feels like their breaking my bones. My feet and ankles ... View answer

I continually have swollen feet & ankles. Constantly tired. sleep poorly. I wear compression stockings but they don't seem to help with my feet & ankles Now my hands are starting to swell. My joints ... View answer

also when I look up. It started in my sleep 5 months ago I would wake up both arms very sore with pins ...I have pins and needles in my hands. When I move my wrists there is a electric shock . If I do... View answer

ankles even worse than before I Carnot sleep and worried about how sore my skin is ... and everything has got worse my skin in sore and burning I phoned my consultant on Friday he told me ... View answer

I fell down a couple of steps and twisted both ankles. The ankles are sore but ok. But today my right leg--especially in the upper thigh/quad area is very sore and tender to the touch. But no... View answer
Public Forum Discussions

my ankles and hands have been sore for awhile now along with other joints. I thought maybe it was early symtoms of arthritis but starting about 8 weeks ago my arms, espiecally my biceps have... View answer

30 year old female, 380 lbs, 5 5 ,...having tingly hands, sore arms, sore breasts, no period, swelling of legs and feet, tired a lot. No other issues in past other than gallbladder removed in... View answer

get this severe itch behind my ears and on my arms and hands. Thought it may be an allergy or something, took Benedryl, eased somewhat but woke up with my muscles in my arms and hands hurting... View answer

, infection will exit the sore connected by the red line. No vomiting. No fever. Wrists and ankles are swollen ...Hi, My husband is 46 years old, he has blisters and oozing sores mostly on his hands,... View answer

Hi, I have recently noticed that on the left side of my body (my arms and legs; esp. noticed in my wrists/hands and ankles/feet) have been swelling. It wasn t painful at first, my mom thought I was ... View answer