Hi Vinita ! Good morning. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.
I would like to know if you used to eat from outside specially fast food from outside. If so, you must avoid it. Many times, some persons may be intolerant to unsuspected components of fast food and may land up in problems which may mimick IBS (Irritiable bowel syndrome). Examples are
lactose intolerance and
gluten enteropathy. If you feel that a particular type of food is precipitating your symptoms, you can exclude it from your diet, and you will get relief.
Apart from that I would advise you to modify your dietary habits more towards a lot of roughage and plenty of liquids and avoid fried and fatty food.
Also, I will investigate you for any other organic problems like a
stool test to exculde any intestinal infection, a thyroid function test to exclude
hyperthyroidism and also other tests to exclude any chronic
granulomatous infection of the intestines. I hope, your treating doctor mus have excluded these possibilities by doing a
biopsy during the colonsocopy.
A regular routine exercise schedule as per your medical tolerance can also add to helping you in the present scenario.
If all these are found to be normal, at the end I may label you as a case of IBS.
IBS could be related to anxiety/depression/stress, and if you have got any of these factors, you are the one who can do a lot in reducing your symptoms by allaying these factors to your best.
Thanks for using the healthcaremagic for your health query. Good luck. Dr Shareef.