Stress Evaluator

Please answer 10 questions to do the evaluation

1. Were you upset because of something that happened unexpectedly within the past two weeks?
  • Did not apply to me at all
  • Applied to me to some of the time
  • Applied to me to a good part of time
  • Applied to me most of the time
2. Did you feel that you were unable to control important things in your life for the past two weeks?
  • Did not apply to me at all
  • Applied to me to some of the time
  • Applied to me to a good part of time
  • Applied to me most of the time
3. Did you often feel stressed out and nervous during the last two weeks?
  • Did not apply to me at all
  • Applied to me to some of the time
  • Applied to me to a good part of time
  • Applied to me most of the time
Disclaimer: This evaluation is based on personal perception score. Please note that this test is only an indicator and is not a final diagnosis. This test should not be considered as a replacement for advice from medical professional. If you intentions of suicide or attempted one, please do not waste time evaluating instead see a local doctor ASAP.