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Article Home Children's Health Indigestion in infants

Indigestion in infants

Indigestion is due to over feeding, wrong feeding, over excitement, overheating, chilling too much of milk


Pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, foul breath and loss of appetite, with listlessness are the chief symptoms.

Belching or burping or eructing is normal phenomena to expel the gas from the stomach which is caused by swallowing air or gas. The usual cause of belching is distended stomach due to swallowed air or gas. The distension of stomach leads to abdominal discomfort. The belching expels the air and relieves the symptoms. Burping the infants during bottle or breast feeding is very important to expel the air from the stomach which has been swallowed during feeding.

During and after each feeding, take time to burp your baby. But don't stop there. Your baby may need to burp between feedings as well.

Symptoms of indigestion in infants

  • Excessive cry.
  • Irritability
  • Bloated bowels
  • Constipation
  • Bad breath

Causes of indigestion in infants

  • Excessive play
  • Excitement, excessive anger, anxiety, fear.
  • Overindulgence
  • Overfeeding
  • Eating between meals.
  • Excessive feeding of sugar content food, undiluted juices may increase the formation of gas.

Treatment of indigestion

  • It is advised to burp the child after the feeding and also in between the feeding.
  • Avoid overfeeding of the child. Maintain regular feeding time and the amount of milk taken.
  • Medications like simethicone are helpful in expelling the gas.
  • Anti-colic’s can be given for pain.