It is the commonest infections of the early childhood. The Eustachian tube connects middle ear to the back of nose and throat. It helps in drainage of ear to nose or throat. It this tube is blocked there is accumulation of the fluid in middle ear leading to infection.
Middle ear infections (Otitis media)
It is the commonest infections of the early childhood. The Eustachian tube connects middle ear to the back of nose and throat. It helps in drainage of ear to nose or throat. It this tube is blocked there is accumulation of the fluid in middle ear leading to infection. The bacteria grows, pus develops and put pressure of ear drum causing the ear drum to bulge and inflamed. Later when the pressure is too high leads to rupture of ear drum leading to purulent discharge to the outer ear.
What are the types?
Acute suppurative otitis media – It is an infection lasting only for a few days.
Chronic suppurative otitis media – It is an infection lasting over weeks3
Otitis media with effusion – Due to the infection in the middle ear, fluid accumulates.
- In the first two types pus accumulates in the middle ear and causes perforation of ear drum
Types of otitis media
- Acute otitis media: In the there is ear infection and swelling of ears. Fluid and mucus are trapped inside the ear.
- Otitis media with effusion: In this the fluid stays in ear5 after infection has cleared up. This again increases the risk of new infection.
- Ear pain.
- Ear discharge.
- Fever.
- Headache. Pulling sensation in the eras.
- Dizziness.
- Feeling of blockage in ear. Temporary hear loss.
Causes of middle ear infection
- Viral fever like cold, measles, mumps, chicken pox.
- Narrowing or blockage of Eustachian tubes which connect middle ear to nose.
- Swelling of adenoids.
- Prevention of otitis media:
- Protect the child from getting cold by keeping warm in winter season.
- Give healthy balanced food to boost the immunity of the child.
- Never use cotton bud to clear the ear.
- Avoid using soap to clean ear. Clean the ear or wash ear with clean water.
- Breast feed the child for at least 6 months.
- If you are bottle feeding the child, hold the baby in upright position.
- Short term or long term hearing loss.
- Rupture of ear drum.
- Spread of infections to other areas like mastoid.
- Medical history.
- Ear examination by otoscope.
- Tympanometry which measures the ear drum movement.
- Antibiotics.
- Medications like anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen, ibuprofen can be used of pain.
- Decongestants or allergy medications if there is congestion due to cold or allergies
- Insertion of drainage tubes if there is no response to the antibiotics.
- Surgery like myringotomy and insertion of drainage tubes.
What are the home remedies?
- The following home remedies will help in reducing the severity of the symptoms but cannot substitute the treatment:
- Use only warm water for drinking purpose
- Use hand kerchief to cover the nose while someone coughs or sneezes in front of you to prevent the spread of infection
- Use saline nasal spray to de congest the nose