Dr. Syed Hasan Nawaz Zaidi , M.B.B.S., M.D.
General & Family Physician
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Uttar Pradesh

Professional Details
State Licence Number/NPI
PG Registration No. 08-6276
State/Board registered with
Medical Council of India
General & Family Physician
Years of experience

Education Details
Degree earned
Name of the university
J.N.Medical College (A Central Govt. College), A.M.U. Aligarh 
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Degree earned
J.N.Medical College (A Central Govt. College), A.M.U. Aligarh 

Other Details
     National Polio Surveillance Project (2003-2008)
Mobilized resistant urban communities in Aligarh for Polio mobilization, volunteered for many campaigns. Supervised a number of health camps organized by department of Community medicine itself and in conjunction with UNICEF, in and around Aligarh (esp. rural areas).
     Supervised the health clinics as a Medical Officer established by department of Community medicine in conjunction with UNICEF.
     As a Deputy Project Coordinator deputed under project “CATA” (Concurrent Assessment and Technical Assistance to districts, under the European Commission supported Sector Investment Programme in the state of Uttar Pradesh), covered Moradabad and Rampur rural and urban areas. 2006
     As a Medical officer in project “Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness” (IMNCI) - Baseline assessment of childhood mortality and morbidity in Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh state-an IPEN Study). 23rd March –12th April 2007.
     As a Resource person in the Regional Level Workshop on RTI/ STI for Medical Officers, UPSACS & Department of Community Medicine, J.N.Medical College and UP State AIDS Control Society (Lucknow) for Medical Officers, Staff Nurses and Laboratory Technicians, 2008.

Other professional achievements
     Thesis: “A Population Based Study on Injuries” 2006-2007.
     A scientific paper titled “Injuries in the community”, presented in 52nd National Conference of Indian Public Health Association. Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College. New Delhi, Mar 7- 9, 2008.
     An abstract titled “A population based study on injuries in rural and urban areas of Aligarh”, published in Injury Prevention 2010; BMJ: 16 (Suppl 1):A1–A28910.1136/ip.2010.029215.544. ISSN 1475-5785
     An original paper titled “Knowledge and perception of community regarding mosquito-borne diseases in a coastal rural area of South India”. SHN Zaidi, P Sukla, J Ramasamy. Published in Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development (double blind peer reviewed indexed international journal). Oct-Dec., 2012, Vol. 3, No. 4. p57-61.
     An original paper titled “Injury pattern in children”. Zaidi SHN, Khan Z, Khalique N. Published in Indian Journal of Community Health. Vol. 25. No. 1. Jan-Mar 2013. p45-51. ISSN 2248-9509.
     A review article titled “Polio eradication in India: New initiatives in sanitation”. Sukla P, Sharma KD, Rana M, Zaidi SHN. Published in Indian Journal of Community Health. Vol. 25. No. 1. Jan-Mar 2013. P74-76. ISSN 2248-9509.
     An original paper titled “Health and Psycho-social problems of elderly persons in rural area of Andhra Pradesh”. Sukla P, Zaidi SHN, Sharma KD. Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development (double blind peer reviewed indexed international journal).
     Selected for WHO`s VIP-Mentorship program (2009-2010).
     As a mentor supervised ICMR STS project tiltled “Knowledge attitude of adolescent school girls on menstrual hygiene and sanitary pad usage and other practices in Thiruporur, Tamilnadu”. ICMR STS -2012. Accepted in March, 2013. REFERENCE ID: 2012 – 02664.