Jj.jilek | Sat, 1 Nov 2014
I very much appreciate the speed and detail of Dr Kumar's answers. I am very satisfied with this doctor and wholeheartedly recommend him to other patients.
David | Thu, 30 Oct 2014
Very helpful replies.
Ikinleys | Mon, 27 Oct 2014
Thank you for giving me the answer to my problem I will purchase the nasal spray ASAP.
Cschonleber | Sat, 25 Oct 2014
He was very detailed and agreed with my current ent. Most importantly eased my nerves
Lilli.stilwell | Fri, 24 Oct 2014
The reply was very helpful. Thank you
Jj.jilek | Thu, 23 Oct 2014
Dr Kumar has been extremely helpful in establishing my diagnosis. He has answered all my questions in detail. Thank you!
Murfamm1 | Sun, 19 Oct 2014
This Dr. Answered my request right away with wonderful advice. Thank you so much!
Iancox | Fri, 17 Oct 2014
Very Good
Iambpalma | Fri, 17 Oct 2014
Tonna | Mon, 13 Oct 2014
Quick response and put my mind at ease. Thank you.