Gsvphyd | Thu, 2 Mar 2017
I am very satisfied with the response of Dr. Uday Nath Sahoo. I would be happy to rate his directions given to me.
Wvrycr | Thu, 23 Feb 2017
Trialblazerseee | Thu, 23 Feb 2017
ANAJOLENE | Sat, 18 Feb 2017
Thank you Dr. Sahoo. Yes, your information was very helpful. I did see a doctor the day after your post and he ordered an ultrasound, blood tests and a fecal test. I have yet to schedule an ultrasound and to do the fecal test. My stomach is somewhat better with eating bland foods and taking the Tums and Rentenidene.
Cratti | Thu, 16 Feb 2017
I guess he is fine. Waiting so long this is a poor substitute for going to the doctor.