Reviews For Dr. Ganesh Sanap

Anonymous  | Tue, 5 Mar 2013



Redbarnone  | Sat, 2 Mar 2013

re:Dr. Sanap's response to my query about high platelets.....i have been trying for over a year to get a comprehensive answer from not only my hemotologist but also my primary care physician....Dr. sanap's response was very imformative and extremely helpful....i did want to let him know that i have just begun a vegan diet.w/ no oils, no dairy, no animal products.and i include a soy protein shake every morning for breakfasy which contains nopal powder (a cactus derivative that is known to lower imflammation in the system) platelets for the first time were 349......well below the 456 to 595 it was registering at....please know i am very pleased with Dr. sanaps response as he is the only doctor to completely respond to my questions and has totally eased my mind...i have a new primary care physician now who is in total agreement w/ Dr. sanap's point of view....i am indebted to Dr. Sanap for his response and his great knowledge....thankyou from my depth of spirit... evelyn halper


Romin  | Fri, 1 Mar 2013

Dr. Ganesh Sanap answered my questions almost immediately. He instilled a lot of confidence in me and cleared all my doubts. He gave me a sense of surety and security thus relaxing my worried mind.


Barnhart.john85  | Wed, 27 Feb 2013



Barnhart.john85  | Wed, 27 Feb 2013



Reverendsbevans  | Tue, 12 Feb 2013

very good job. Thank you.


Julie  | Tue, 12 Feb 2013

Thank you Dr Ganesh Sanap for your very informative information and advice, and your prompt reply within minutes! Im very impressed at and will certainly bookmark you for future advice, its reassuring knowing there is different doctors for specific medical problems, and especially for me living up in the Spanish Andalusian mountains in the middle of no where,( 1 hour to nearest A & E) is comforting to know i have a professional English speaking doctor only a 'mouse click' away. thank you. Julie Peel


Anonymous  | Tue, 12 Feb 2013

Dr. ganesh's suggestions and reviews have been very helpful. His response was very prompt and detailed. Thanks Dr. for your assistance.


Akane  | Sat, 9 Feb 2013

Thank you Dr. Sanap


Madmonkeymarie  | Sat, 9 Feb 2013

Not helpful, quite insulting and not impressed at all!