RAS4096 | Mon, 5 Jan 2015
Dr. Borade's answer was reasonable and reflects someone that doesn't have preestablished position without considering the data. As an engineer I appreciate it's difficult to have questions thrown at you from all facets of medicine and be expected to answer them intelligently. Dr Borade did that reasonably well and when I questioned him on the independence of the eGFR calculation ans serum creatinine he correctly concurred with their dependence; sc being the only measured variable in the equation. I give him a 4 star rating.
Sclubine | Mon, 5 Jan 2015
Very knowledgeable. He was able to give me the feedback I suspected, and did so without long, lengthy questions.
Shannoncronin0917 | Sun, 4 Jan 2015
Dale | Sat, 3 Jan 2015
Dr. Borade: Thank you for your opinion.
Nettiejanke | Fri, 2 Jan 2015
Thank you. Yes
Debbie | Thu, 1 Jan 2015
Amandeep | Tue, 30 Dec 2014
Marklarson3825 | Mon, 29 Dec 2014
Dr. Borade responded quickly and asked follow up questions that filled in holes in the information I shared.
Dr. Shubham | Wed, 24 Dec 2014
Impressive answers..good advises for people who really need it..