Aetakacs | Sat, 19 Oct 2013
Dear Dr. Ritchie! Your help has been immense, I have successfully completed what needed to be done, I have also dealt with the personal issues, and made peace with what the past had to do with it, I do believe I am well enough recovered to move forward with confidence. Research showed me this is one of the most common problems and treatment is always successful. I believe staying focused, not letting fear creep in is the best perscription for this condition and my former "hang-ups." I hope this follow up will give you the info you need, if not, please let me know what areas need to be addressed. Again, many, many thanks for the valuable help given. Sincerely Alice T.
Aetakacs | Sat, 5 Oct 2013
Excellenta doctor, good advice, approached with compassion as this is a common problem, advised me not to be afraid of this, and continue on, we need more doctors like this.
Patrickguilfoyle01 | Mon, 30 Sep 2013
Gemma | Mon, 30 Sep 2013
Very helpful and always with a detailed & speedy reply.
Genamcnutt | Thu, 26 Sep 2013
Jammann10 | Sat, 21 Sep 2013
Thank you very much for your expertise and answers. I will take your advice.
Amol | Wed, 18 Sep 2013
Leb-lady | Mon, 29 Jul 2013
great doctor, his diagnosis was right all the way
Amycisneros22 | Sat, 20 Jul 2013
answered my question in a fast manner and provided me with reassuring information! first time user of healthcare magic and it was a success! thanks doctor!
Anonymous | Fri, 19 Jul 2013
gave me some great reccomendations and i will follow up, very well pleases