22 Years Old. Can I Take Endura Mass? Does It Contain Steroids?
Thank you for posting a query.
First of all you did not give us your height. You must write it back as a follow up question.
Now, for gaining weight, most important thing is to know the ideal weight of your body. It can be calculated from the weight and height. It is called body mass index.
To increase weight, the best dietary supplement is protein. Whey protein is the highest source of dietary protein. Take this whey protein along with oats and olive oil.
A multivitamin agent containing micro and macronutrients are very much helpful.
Endura mass has soy protein, milk, sucrose, minerals, vitamins. Among them maximum is carbohydrate group of food. Here lies the side effect of chance of developing diabetes on long term use.
Second most common side effect in females is facial hair. Hormonal imbalance may also be present.
But, side effects are only considered when you are using this supplement for long term.
It claims that it does not contain any steroid.
In my opinion, you should first consult with a dietician in person for a detailed diet chart. Second thing is to take whey protein. A good amount of milk should also be taken. A multivitamin agent should be taken.
Thirdly, join a gym. Consult with the gym instructor for the most appropriate exercise and training for you. One thing you must understand that gaining weight through physical training, may be slower but permanent.
So, it will be better to follow the instructions I have given. But, the ultimate decision is up to you.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.