30 Weeks Pregnant. Noticed Bad Smell In Urine. Is This Normal?
Thanks for writing.
A bad smell in urine can be an indication of urinary infection.
It may occur under common conditions like dehydration, intake of high protein foods.
But its always important to rule out urinary infection by testing. This is because asymptomatic bacterial infection of urine is very common in pregnancy.
The usual symptoms of urinary infection are increased frequency to urinate, burning, pain in lower abdomen, dark or foul smelling urine.
It is also possible to have bacteria in your urinary tract and have no symptoms. This is known as "asymptomatic bacteriuria".
During pregnancy, asymptomatic bacteriuria that is left untreated significantly increases your risk of getting a kidney infection and is associated with preterm labor and low birth weight.
This is the reason that you should get your urine tested even if you have no symptoms.
Urine microscopy and culture tests are required.
To minimize your chances of getting a urinary tract infection you should drink plenty of water, at least eight 8 glasses a day.
Try to empty your bladder completely and frequently whenever you have an urge to.
After a bowel movement, wipe yourself from front to back to prevent bacteria in the stool from getting near the urethra.
Keep your genital area clean by using water after toilet.
Clean your genital area and pee before and after sexual intercourse.
Avoid douching.
Take care.