55 Years Old. Have Weak Legs And Facing Difficulty To Walk. What Are The Reasons?
Chronic alcohol use is associated with a condition called alcoholic neuropathy (damage to nerves). It is thought to be due to direct damage to the nerves by alcohol and also persons who drink alot of alcohol tend to be lacking in essential vitamins.
Persons with this condition may present with a history of weakness in the legs and difficulty walking. Some persons may also have a history of tingling or abnormal sensation and a history of falling alot.
Investigations involve blood tests such as vitamin levels, checking for diabetes (because can cause nerve problems as well), liver function tests.
Treatment involves: stopping further use of alcohol which can be difficult and require help, use of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and medication.
You may want to consider, if possible, visiting your doctor so that your husband can be assessed.
i hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions