90 Degree Bend Of Penis When Erect, Burning Sensation, Its Straight Up. Advice ?
From your description it appears that you may be suffering from Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's disease is calcification within the corpora of the penis. The most common cause of it is trauma. The trauma is usually so trivial that patient does not even recollect having any such injury.
The common complications of Peyronie's are acute bend in the penis making intercourse difficult, poor erection and painful erection. There are number of treatment options available for Peyronie's disease. However, none of them is highly effective. You can consider starting yourself on Vitamin E, colchicine or PABA under the guidance of an urologist. In addition, you should avoid woman on top position while having intercourse (the most common cause of trivial trauma).
However, if you don't improve with medications then you may have to consider surgical options.