Abnormal Smear Test, On Lletz Treatment, On Breast Feeding, HPV Infection Not Cleared From Cervix. Cure?
Thanks for the query.
Your Doctor has opined correctly that the cause of "Borderline smear" could be because of low estrogen levels, which are possible during breast feeding.
I advise you to undergo another pap smear test after 4 to 6 months from the date of last smear preferably after stopping breast feeding.
This time chances of the smear becoming normal are high.Also I advise you not to worry much as whatever may be the result,it is still in the early stage and completely curable.
Regarding HPV(human papilloma virus) viral infection,there are more than 100 strains of this virus and majority of the people get infected.
Your immune system is probably normal and HPV infection may not get cleared even in normal individuals and harmless.You may undergo " HPV DNA test" to know the active status of this viral infection.
Hope i have answered your query.I will be available for follow up.
Wishing you good health.
With warm regards