Ameobiosis, Frequent Urination, Stomach Pain, Headachee, Loss Of Apetite. Taking Sporlac, PantopD5, CifranCT. Permanent Solution In Homeopathy?
Sporlac---daily one before bed (15 TABS)
pantop-d 5 caps early morning before breakfast ( 5 CAPS)and
cifran-CT morning and evening for 3days.(6TABS)
Thanks for the query.
Amoebasis is an infectious disease caused by Entamoeba histolytica - a parasite that infects large intestine. Anyone can be affected by ingesting contaminated food or water, eating contaminated raw vegetables or fruits, drinking contaminated water, unprotected oral or anal sexual contact. Often there is ineffectual desire to defecate again and again but very little stool passes.
To trace the cause of the disease it is necessary to know what you ate or drank in previous weeks before you became ill. If it involved a new eating place or a new water source, you need to avoid them in future.
This infection can sometimes become chronic and difficult infection to treat with allopathic drugs. Homeopathy not only helps in treating the chronic infection but also prevents it from becoming chronic.
For treatment, you may start with NUX VOMICA-30 and ALOE SOCOTRINA-30 6 pills 3 times daily. These medicines would really be beneficial.
If you have any more details of your case like any more symptoms which you have not mentioned you can send them to me. Until then the aforementioned medicines can give you definite results.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if you have any more questions, I will be glad to assist you further.
Wish you speedy recovery.
Your case has turned to chronic so you have to go through a long course of treatment. I can’t tell you now that how much time you will need to get complete cure but once you start taking medicine you will feel the change.
So first start taking the medicine after watching the progress I will tell you that how much time it takes to recover completely.
Can I know the timings to take these medicines daily..?
Thanks for Query
I have advices you Nux vomica 30 pills three times a day with clean mouth. Do not touch medicine by your hand and take the medicine directly on your tongue. You can take this either after the meal or empty stomach. You can take Aloes socotorina 30 in the same way but with the gap of 20-30 minute between both the medicines.
Another thing to remember is that you must avoid smoking and alcohol. The time of taking the medicine is morning between 7-8 am, noon 12-1 pm and evening before sleeping.