Anxiety, Had Urethra Stretch, Weight Loss, Weakness In Legs. Had Reaction To Anesthesia, Kidney And Urine Infections.
Thanks for the query.
It is good to hear that your urinary symptoms and recurrent UTI's (urethral dilatation.
After the test, patients often complain of burning sensation during urination and often see small amounts of blood in their urine. Use of rigid instruments often result in urinary incontinence and leakage from unknown causes to urethral damage. Patients also may feel some lower abdominal pains, reflecting bladder muscle spasms, but these are not common.
You can drink sufficient fluids for a couple of days.
The symptoms you are experiencing after dilatation are just coincidentally happening after the dilatation.
They have no relation at all to your procedure and you should see your physician and get investigated for the cause of your symptoms.
Hope i have answered your query.I will be available for follow up.
Thanks for the query.
All these sympyoms can be because of general anaesthesia but they last for a maximum of one week.
You should certainly see a physician and also get urine examination done.
Wishing you good health.