Are Hep B, IPV, DTP, HiB, PCV And RV Mandatory For One Month Old?

Currently my baby is 1 month old (Born on 8th July. I understand that my baby needs Vaccination after completing 6 weeks(or)45 days.
I see that IAP recommends following vaccine for 6week baby
1. Hep B
2. IPV
3. DTP
4. HiB
5. PCV
6. RV
* Please let me know is all the above mentioned six vaccine are mandatory for baby.
* As there are 6 vaccine suggested , Will these six vaccine are to be bought and injected to baby separately (or) is there is injection available which combines of most of the vaccine which can be bought and injected to baby in a single injection.
*From few web article i see that DTP vaccine is of two types- DTwP & DTaP in which DTwP said to be cheap but having side effects & more paid But DTaP said to be Costlier with less pain/painless without side effect. So which one suggest as a best option whether DTwP or DTaP and let me know injection name is it Easy five & Pentaxiam?
*What is Easy five and Pentaxiam injection. How many vaccine it contains within it and which one you will prefer?
*If i wish to give all mandatory + optional vaccines for my baby for 6th week vaccination (Hep B+IPV+DTP+HiB+PcV+RV). How many injection will be given for my Baby.
*In this vaccine list Hep B,IPV,DTP,HiB,PcV, RV. Which of them are given in Government hospital in free of cost & which of them are to be bought in private.
*If some vaccine provided in government hospitals in free of cost, Is it good to have vaccination done there.
*If i decide to have vaccine (Hep B,IPV,DTP,HiB,PcV, RV) in private clinic/hospital how many injection the would provide for baby and what would be approximate cost of all.
I would like to have your detailed response on my query.
Thank you for your query.
You have rightly mentioned that the recommendation is of IAP. Unfortunately the Government of India does not provide all the vaccines in the government hospitals. I shall try to answer all your queries:
1. It is advisable to have all the vaccines though they are not mandatory.
2. You do not have to buy the vaccine. They will be given by the doctor/government hospital which you approach. A proper cold chain has to be maintained which the local chemist is unable to do.
3. Yes, DTwP is whole cell pertussis and gives rise to swelling of the injection site and fever whereas DTaP is acellular pertussis and most of the time does not give rise to swelling and fever. Both are good and it depends on you which one to have as DTaP is expensive. Various combinations are available and depends on your service provider which combination he is comfortable with.
4. Easy Five contains DTwP, Hep. B and HiB whereas Pentaxim contains IPV, DTaP and HiB. As the pertussis element is different in both the vaccines and one contains hepatitis B and the other IPV they cannot be compared.
5. It is not mandatory to give all the vaccines. It has to be decided by you after consulting your care provider. The number of injections will depend on the vaccines and their combination available with the doctor.
6. The vaccines given at the government hospital varies from state to state and hence it is not possible to tell which vaccines are given by the government hospital in your state. In Delhi OPV/DwPT/HepB are given.
7. Yes, the vaccines provided by government institutions are good and reliable.
8. It depends on your doctor which vaccines and its combinations he is storing and hence the number of injections will vary accordingly. It is not possible to give you the cost and it varies with the manufacturer.
I hope I have answered your query to your satisfaction. Please feel free to revert back in case you need any clarifications or if you would like to share more facts.
Wishing your baby all the best.
Rajiv K Khandelwal

Thank you very much for your clear response.
I come to know that this combination can be given for 6 weeks baby.
Petaxim(DTaP+IPV+HiB)+Engerix B(HeP B)+Rotarix(RV)+Prenavur 13(PCV)
Is the above combination is best for baby & Can you provide me other combination suitable for 6 weeks baby ?
What is your suggestion for vaccinating with Prenavur 13(PCV) & Rotarix(RV) vaccine which are optional in India. Do you strongly suggest to have PCV & RV(Rota) vaccine for baby of 6 week, 10 week, 14 week (or) is it only least optional ?
specifically, I been asking vaccine combination because when i visit to Paed i will have more clarify on Vaccine combination options available and even ask my paed on a specific best combination of vaccine.
Thank you for your queries.
The combination that you have mentioned is ideal. I cannot say if this is the best as these are relative terms and science keeps changing and every one does not hold the same view.
Regarding Prevanar and Rotavirus vaccine I tell my patients "if you can afford them then do give them and if you cannot afford then there is no need". Newer vaccines are going to come in the future but time alone will tell their effectiveness. Three doses of Prevenar are given whereas the doses of Rotavirus depends on the vaccine. Rotarix by XXXXXXX is two dose and Rotateq by MSD is three doses.
It is very difficult to say which vaccine is being stored by your paediatrician and hence it is very difficult for me to be very specific on the combination.
I hope I have responded to your satisfaction.

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