Are Abdominal Pain, Nose Bleeds And Sensitive Skin Indicative Of HIV?
On Saturday at around 5 pm, I made the most idiotic decision of my life by having sex with a prostitute. I drove to her shady place, and entered it, leaving my religion, education, and brought up, all at the doorstep. Although I saw that her face and arms had red spots that looked like bites (now I think it was herpes), I indulged in this stupid act. She put on a Skyn non-latex condom on my penis saying that she was allergic to latex. I received oral sex (with the condom), during which I felt that her teeth touched my penis glans, next to the tip of the penis (I’m circumcised) once or twice, and I felt a little pressure when that happened. I then had penetrative vaginal sex with the same condom in different positions. I removed the condom, used my hands that had only touched her thighs, hair and breasts, to masturbate and ejaculate. I didn’t provide oral or anal sex. I put on my clothes, smoked a cigarette that I asked her for (I had quit a while ago), and left the place at 5.25 pm. I got home, and checked my penis before having a bath. It seemed perfectly alright. However, when I woke up the next morning, I noticed three small spots of blood on the glans. I first thought it was due to the friction as my glans is generally a slightly dry, then remembered her teeth through the condom, and started freaking out. I’m pretty sure that the condom didn’t break/tear. Nevertheless, the fear of contracting a disease is simply not getting out of my mind, since Sunday until now. On Monday evening, I read about PEP, and immediately drove to the ER. The doctor looked at the tiny spots that were healing (now brown/deep purple), and declared them to have been caused due to friction. He gave me a shot of rocephin, four tablets of azithromycin and another antibiotic. I was also asked to provide urine and blood samples for testing. The doctor mentioned that I wasn’t at risk since I had used a condom; in fact, he mentioned that my risk of contracting HIV was none. Nevertheless, I insisted on PEP because I believe that risk is never zreo, and he subscribed it. I took the first dose of Truvada and Insentress at 11:45 pm on Monday, i.e. approx. 55 hours after the encounter. The next morning, I woke up with a pain on the right side of my abdomen. I also had a short nose bleed, I guess due to all the tablets (I have dealt with nose bleeds on taking antibiotics on previous occasions too), the dry air, and the stress (my bp on the previous evening in the hospital was at 165/86). I have been taking 1 tablet of Insentress at 9 am and another one along with a Truvada tablet at 9 pm yesterday and today. I played racquetball yesterday, and felt that the pain in the abdomen had reduced, but wasn’t completely gone. In fact, I didn’t run as much over the two hours as I usually do. Even today, I feel heaviness on the right and left sides of the abdomen, rather than a pain. I’m freaking out totally, thinking that the pain is due to a contracted STD, especially HIV. Every little itch or slight pain on my body freaks me out. I usually have some kind of itching always going on since my skin is sensitive, especially around the genitals, but right now, I'm attributing everything to a possible infection. I also feel as though the fat around my stomach has increased suddenly. I’ve always been heavier than I should be, but there’s this discomfort now. Can you please help???!!!
No risk of HIV .Likely Symptoms due to anxiety.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for query. I am Dr Bharatesh D Basti answering your query.
Welcome to health care magic.
I have gone through the details and can make out your anxiety.
Firstly, I would like inform that your doctor was right that there is no risk of STDs especially HIV.
So there was no need of PEP. The symptoms are non specific and may be due to anxiety.
You continue all the activities and exercises which you used to do prior to the incident.
Just forget the incident.
You may look for any fresh vesicles ( water filled lesions ) . Herpes is one possibility if she had active lesions.Usually It would appear within 2 weeks of exposure.
Otherwise relax forget the episode and lead life normally.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and venerologist
Thanks for the clarification. Does this mean that I can stop with the PEP? I have a feeling that I have a constant heaviness in my abdominal area along with a loss of sex urge/dysfunction. Also, is there any way to counter a possible herpes infection? I'm really worried about the whole episode now.
PEP may not be necessary.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
I do not see the need for PEP with the given description.
Observe for 2 weeks for symptoms of herpes. Antiviral drugs are not totally effective in preventing herpes.
You can later go for STDs test including for herpes Igm and Igg antibodies(after 1 month) to relieve your anxiety.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti