Are Red And Irritated Vagina A Sign Of Yeast Infection?
May be time to see your doctor.
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry - sounds like you have a lot of things going on to make you miserable!
I could not tell from the history you wrote whether your doctor is aware of the feet and leg swelling. If he or she is not aware and treating it, you should tell him/her as this is an important symptom to follow up on. Lower extremity swelling can be from the heart not pumping efficiently and there are medications both for the heart (such as an ACE inhibitor) and for the swelling (a water pill called Lasix).
About the hemorrhoid, if it only gives you mild problems you can try sitz baths and gradually increasing the fiber in your diet. However, if it is giving you a lot of problems, you should bring this up to your doctor to as there are treatments which can permanently resolve the problem. Some of the treatment options include an injection (which creates a scar in the hemorrhoid), cauterization, banding, and surgery. Which option is used depends on the location and severity of the hemorrhoid.
About the fungal/yeast infections, using an over the counter anti yeast cream may do the trick, but your infection sounds fairly severe if the skin is bleeding. Your doctor may give you a prescription strength cream or may want to give you an oral pill such as fluconazole if he/she thinks the infection is extensive enough to warrant it.
I hope this information helps and that you are soon feeling better. Please let me know if I can provide further clarification or information.