Are There Any Negative Interactions Between Dayquil, Allegra And Alka Seltzer Cold?
excess drowsiness
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
There are different formulations of the XXXXXXX seltzer and dayquil so the ingredients may vary slightly according to the formulation.
XXXXXXX seltzer may contain dextromethorphan (cough suppressant), acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine (Antihistamine) and phenyephrine (decongestant)
Dayquil may contain dextromethorphan, phenyephrine and also acetaminophen
Allegra is an antihistamine though non drowsy.
The anti histamine in the XXXXXXX seltzer, the dextromethorphan in both the XXXXXXX and the dayquil can all cause drowsiness so it is likely that he may feel drowsy with this combination.
It would be best, if possible to sleep this off.
When medication is needed again either the XXXXXXX seltzer or the day quil can be used, not both
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
only organ affect would mainly be brain with drowsiness and dizziness
Detailed Answer:
No would not have future effects on his liver or other organs but they should not be used together because of the excessive drowsiness which can seriously impair function
May also cause dizziness in some persons.
These effects would not be permanent
Please feel free to ask any other questions