Are There Any Negative Interactions Between Risperdal And Epilim?
Keppra should be tried to control seizures.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for using HCM.
I have read your question and understand your concerns.
I think you are right about Epilim and Risperdal use, the most common interaction side effect is the weight gain.
To minimize this possibility, using half dose of Risperdal may help.
Straterra and Guanfacine are used to treat ADHD,but not well studied about antiepileptic drugs interactions.
Another possibility with less side effects and XXXXXXX undesirable interactions about seizures control is Keppra (Levetiracetam).
Since it is a prescription drug, its use should be discussed with your son's treating Doctor.
Hope this helps. I remain at your disposal for further questions and clarifications.
Best regards.
Keppra results in good seizures control.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Keppra is a relatively new drug against seizures when other drugs fail to control them (especially partial onset ones), with very good results in clinical practice.
Risperdal should be used with precaution and lowest dose possible to control symptoms, because its use may increase risk of seizures.
Hope this helps. Best regards.
You are welcome.
Detailed Answer:
Hope to hear good things soon, about your son's condition.
Glad I helped.