Been Cathed Twice Due To Retaining Urine. Trying To Hold Back In Stool For Long. Normal?
my son brought him to a specialist who injected a XXXXXXX and found nothing. The child has since had this problem again 2 days later and now has been sent home with a cathe until this dr can see him again in 2 wks. He now seems to be trying to hold back his stool and has not gone in 2 days.
He also now appears to be holding his stool longer than normal.
Thanks for your query.Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that your 2 year old grandson has repeated episodes of retention of urine over last 3 months and has been catheterised .
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me to make comments on his problems.
1) Was any abnormality revealed in foetus during routine ultrasound scanning of your daughter/daughter in law carried out during anti natal care.?
2) Does he have difficulty in passing urine ?
3) Does he have repeated episodes of UTI ? Fever, crying while urination ?
4) What radiological test was done ? and what were the findings?
From the facts that you have posted it appears that he may have either congenital Posterior Urethral Valves(PU Valve) or Congenial Bladder Neck Obstruction.(BNO).
However final diagnosis can be confirmed on clinical examination and radiological test called Micturating Cysto Urethrogram (MCU)
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical assessment and get the above mentioned test done under his guidance.
He may decide to do his endoscopic examination of urethra and bladder.(Cystoscopy) to rule out PU Valve or BNO.
Further treatment will be decided upon findings of the tests and final diagnosis.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask me I shall be happy to help you