Bladder Problem, Had Normal Prostate And Bladder Tests, Had Dehydration, Thickened Bladder Walls With Syscoscophy ,back Pain, MRI Of Back And Brain, Taking Gabapentin
I have had three opions, and all say there is no nerve inpengement. I was also having problems with pins and needles, numbness, and cognitive difficulties. I was sent to a nuerologist. He suspected MS, but an MRI of my brain came back clean. For the past month my Doctor has had me on Gabapentin. This has helped. I can controll my bladder, but it is still uncomfortable. I assume it is damaged. I have not pooped on myself, and the pins, and needles are gone. My neurologist says he doesn't have a clue what is wrong with me. I would like any possible theory what might be wrong with me.
Neurogenic bladder can occur if there is a problem anywhere between the brain stem and the lower level of the spinal cord. Most common reasons are demyelination like MS (Multiple Sclerosis), spinal cord compression and syrinx. However the investigation reports in you has not revealed any of the above said causes. Some times demyelination cannot be made out on the MRI (Magnetic Resonant Imaging) of the brain and spinal cord. Other rare cause is Autonomic neuropathy.
So, I personally feel we have to rule out the possibility of Syrinx and Autonomic neuropathy. This is a very difficult time for you I am sure. The bottom line is that I think you need to talk to your GP and Neurologist regarding the above possibilities. If these are ruled out, then only possibility is to treat you as a case of neurogenic bladder of uncertain cause.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you find my response to be both helpful and adequate. If you have any additional concerns regarding your question I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Shiva Kumar R.