Bleeding After Sex. Advice?
Welcome and thanks for writing to us
There are various factors responsible for primary infertility like maternal factors , ovarian factors , cervical factors , uterine factors, tubal factors and sperm count and motility.
As you are having bleeding after intercourse so there might be a cervical lesion like erosion cervix and for that you have to get a pap's smear done.
Another cause of blood during sex can be vaginal injury which is seen in newly weds and not after 5 yrs of marriage.
I guess you must have got all investigations done like :
Hb , ESR , Blood sugar F , VDRL , TORCH , APA , ACA , TB PCR , Thyroid profile , Rh grouping , FSH , LH , Prolactin , estradiol , Hysterosalpingography , semen analysis , ultrasound for follicles or polycystic ovaries , endometrial biopsy etc
If not please get them done under doctor's guidance.
Diagnostic laparoscopy is done for further evaluation.
Most important thing at present is to treat your inter-menstrual bleeding or bleeding after contact for which cryocauterization of the cervix is done if there is an erosion.
So please do not delay it and show it to your OBGYN as soon as possible.
If investigations have already been done please attach the reports if possible
Best wishes
Any further query is most welcome