Bleeding Blisters In The Mouth. History Of Treating For Yeast Infection. Swollen And Reddish Throat
Thanks for posting your query.
I can understand your concern for these symptoms. Two important possibilities which can present with such symptoms are :
1) Gingivostomatitis which is an inflammation of the oral mucosa and gingiva.
2) Aphthous ulcers in response to an infection
A careful examination is an integral part of diagnosis.
In gingivostomatitis, symptoms usually resolve with fluid intake, good oral hygiene and gentle debridement of the mouth. Use chlorhexidine mouth wash and avoid acid drinks, like fruit juices or fizzy drinks, or drink them through a straw so they don't irritate your mouth. Also avoid spicy food and sharp food and citrus fuits.
You can use topical ointments like numbing ointments, such as benzocaine (Oragel), anti-inflammatory (steroid) gels, benadryl allergy liquid mouthwash, oral preparations of steroids and vitamin supplement. Oral pain killers like Ibuprofen also help. But all these medicines are available under prescription and should be taken under a doctor’s guidance. Systemic antibiotics may also be needed to control the infection.
Keep yourself well hydrated.
Hope this answers your query. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.
Thanks for writing again.
The peeling off of the skin and associated weight loss is indicative of an ongoing systemic infection. You need a complete systemic evaluation under the guidance of your physician to look for the causes of weight loss.
The above said measures can only provide you a temporary relief.
Hope my answer is helpful.
Do accept my answer in case there are no further queries.