Blood Done For Hemoglobin, Urea And Esr Level. Are These In Normal Range?
I was asked to take a complete blood test by general physician today and my results have come
Since my next appointment with gp is only this weekend. I am eager to know about what my results say
There were three reading which were highligtdd by the lab technician. And those are as follows
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin is 32.2 pg
Urea is 16.6 mg/dl
ESR is 15 mm/hr
Kindly let me know whether the above three readings are in normal range or is it abnormal?
In the full blood count the MCH is used if the hemoglobin is low, to help determine the type and cause of the anemia.
It looks at the concentration or average mass of hemoglobin in the red blood cell. It would be low in iron def anemia, anemia due to chronic inflammation and increased in other types of anemia. The reading is normally between 27 to 31, your value of 32 is just above this range and would not be considered a significant increase.
Urea gives an indication of renal function and the level of hydration of the body. Normal levels are between 10 to 20 for adults, though there can be some slight variation between labs.Your value is normal.
ESR is a non specific indication of inflammation in the body, it would increase for any evidence of inflammation for example a rash , common cold, sinusitis, any infection, inflammed joint or more serious illness. In serious disease, the levels would go very high.
Most labs quote less than 20 as normal but the levels may vary slightly from lab to lab, if your lab is indicating that the 16 is high it would just indicate that there is some minor infection/inflammation present.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions