Blood Test Showed Tyhoid O 1.32 And Typhoid H 1.32. How Bad Is This And What Should I Do?
Thanks for posting your health query on health care magic.
I understand you have undergone Widal test and concerned with the values mentioned. I shall try and explain it to you.
Please verify the titer values - Is it 1:32 or 1:320?
Widal test is considered positive if typhoid - o antigen titer is more than 1:160. It indicates an active infection, or if paratyphi antigen titer is more than 1:160, it indicates past infection or in immunized person.
Besides that a single widal test is of little clinical relevance due to the number of cross reacting infections. If no other test (bacteriologic culture or more specific serology) are available, a rising titer of four fold (for example 1:40 to 1:160) or higher in an interval of 7-10 days is more meaningful than one test.
If the value is 1:320, it can be considered as positive and antibiotic may be started. However if I were to be your treating physician I would proceed to get your blood tested (culture and sensitivity test) to confirm infection and to determine the sensitive antibiotic. Alternatively a repeat Widal test can be performed. Antibiotic treatment is entailed if titres are higher than the current value.
Hope I answered your question. If you have any more queries, do write back; I will be readily available to assist you.
Get well soon...