Blood Test Shows High Levels Of SGPT, SGOT, Cholesterol, Albumin, GGT, LDH And LDL. Have Acne, Psoriasis Scars, Blood In Stool. Family History Of Arthritis
I just had a blood test done and all the following levels were high: SGPT (89), SGOT (134.5), Cholesterol (261.7), Albumin (5.03), GGT (70.3), LDH (423) and LDL (197.8)
ALong with this I have bad acne and starting to get psoriasis scars. Also, arthiritis runs in the family and I have been having joint issues. And lastly, there was blood in my stool yesterday.
I dont know if all these would be connected but is this of very serious concern? I have met my doc but want a second opinion as well.
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First of all, I want to reassure you that usually mild or sometimes even moderately elevated SGOT and SGPT (liver enzymes) do not hint towards any serious or long term liver problem. There are multiple things that can show lab results like yours.
There are some minor conditions which can also cause mild elevation in SGOT and SGPT (liver enzymes), some of which include Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, Infectious mononucleosis which are viral infections, being overweight, taking OTC drugs like Paracetamol etc.
We need to exclude some other possibilities for elevation of SGOT and SGPT like Alcoholic hepatitis and due to excess fats such as- Cholelithiasis (Cholecystitis (inflammation of gall bladder), autoimmune hepatitis, Hypothyroidism etc.
Generally, there would be 10 - 100 times than that of normal, SGOT and SGPT elevation in case of acute hepatitis and <10 times than that of normal in case of obstruction in bile circulation.
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels are slightly increased in your case . GGT elevates in certain conditions apart from alcohol intake like cholestasis which is obstruction in the flow of bile (may be due to gall stones or some other reasons), some liver diseases and with certain drug intake.
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is within normal limits in your case.
Coming to Cholesterol, LDL levels which are termed serum lipids are moderately elevated and should be strictly controlled. I feel that it is better to start with diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications and consult doctor to properly decide whether drug treatment for this is necessary or not since a physical examination is mandatory to decide this.
I suggest you to consult a Gastroenterologist to exclude all the possibilities by undergoing physical examination and more investigations like ultrasound etc. I want to reassure again that this won't be a life threatening issue as you are thinking, if appropriate consultation with Gastroenterologist is done.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, please let me know!
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If you like my answers and wish me to answer in future, bring it to my attention: Dr Vasanth. Url link is as follows:
Wish you good health.
You did not address my concern about the blood in stool.
I have taken a stool sample now for the doctor here and i did not again some blood inside the actual stool.
Thanks for the follow up and update!
I again want to say that don't be panicked. There can be lot of beningn causes for blood in stools. However, investigations like colonoscopy need to be done to exclude any serious pathologies.
If you have any further questions, please let me know!
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