Blood Work Showed Neutrophils: 8769, Absolute Eosinophils: Zero And Bilirubin: 1.3, Wbc At 11.1. What Does These Findings Indicate?
Raised bilirubin
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
In you blood work Absolute neutrophil, eosinophil, wbc, rbw and basophils are within normal limits however your bilirubin is slightly higher than normal. Normal being upto 1.2
Raised bilirubin is usually seen when the liver is affected most commonly due to an infection and sometimes due to chronic alcohol abuse. You need further work up on the liver function, please approach a physician to get a complete liver function test including, SGPT, SGOT, S albumin, PT, PTT and INR, also get an ultrasound abdomen.
For now please use these suggestions
1. Avoid a high protein diet ( red meat, sprouts, tofu, etc)
2. Yout diet should be XXXXXXX in carbohydrates
3. Watch out for yellowish discoloration of urine and eyes
4. Avoid alcohol
I hope I was of help, if you have any further queries please get back to me