Body Pain, Fever, Pink Itchy Bumps All Over Body. Chicken Pox Or STD?
first of all sorry for my english.
three days ago i woke up having an overall feeling of 'unwellness'. i had body pains all day long and in the night i got some fever. symptoms were relieved after i took some 'anti flu' pills and tea.
the following morning i woke up with like 7 watery pink bumps in my chest and back. two days after, i had the same bumps in my scalp, stomach, and even my penis. all have the same look (like a water bubble). fever has not come back and bumps only itch in my scalp.
my family doctor saw it and said it was chikenpox, however, 62 days ago i had protected sex with a SW.
i never had chickenpox when i was a kid, but timing scare me a little bit.
my questions are ?
1) can this rash be related to an STD?
2) can chicken pox be mistaken for an STD rash and viceversa?
3) can chicken pox not itch?
thanks for your reply. highly appreciated!
Thank you for posting the query,
Your question is a good one and I can understand your fear and worry too.
According to the description you have given ,the most probable possibility is of chicken pox only.
Chicken pox rashes looks like small water filled lesions in the center surrounded by redness.Such rashes appear first appear over the chest and then gradually spreads all over.It is also preceded by fever and malaise.Itching is usually felt after few days of the rash.
On the other hand STD rashes most of the time are not itchy and in-fact STD usually doesn't starts with a rash .They usually manifests as a ulcer over the penis or burning micturation.
To answer your questions :
1) can this rash be related to an STD?
Most probably not.
2) can chicken pox be mistaken for an STD rash and viceversa?
No,as chicken pox lesions are very specific & can be diagnosed by a physician or a dermatologist .
3) can chicken pox not itch?
Initial few days the lesions might not itch ,but as the lesions starts to dry off,it starts itching.
I think its just the fear in your mind since you had sex with a commercial sex worker.
However if you want to have a more firm answer then you can post me a picture of the lesion which would help me suggest you better.
You have a feature to upload the reports / image by yourself at the right side of the query page, please utilize that so that I can answer your queries better.
Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Dr.Bharat chawda XXXXXXX specialist, Dermatology.